Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Dybbuk Box. Entrapped lesser demon

Dybbuk Box on display at MOCAOS

History of the Dybbuk box

On the 19th April 1934 members of the Thule Society conducted one of a series of black magic rituals in the hopes of making contact with demonic forces and gaining their favor. Thankfully the ritual was incomplete but a small rift into the darkness of the universe was created and this unidentified lesser-demon managed to cross over into our dimension.

Dybbuk Box on display at MOCAOS

The creature cause isolated trouble for the good folk of Stuttgart over the next few months, starting fires, damage to buildings, worrying livestock and occasional violent assaults. Eventually word of it's existence reached back to the mysterious Thule Society. These rumors not only feed the desires of the Thule's hierarchy but spured them into action, attempting to capture the beast. Their political arm seized power on June 30 1934 and began house to house searches, kidnapping and interrogations in the hunt for the creature.

Dybbuk Box on display at MOCAOS

Local holy men knew all to well the risks if this beast fell into the hands of this vicious organization and using a now lost combination of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism and ancient Christian magic managed to track, capture and force the creature into a state of suspended animation.

Dybbuk Box on display at MOCAOS

By this stage the Nazi regime had taken hold and rumors of the rituals, the demon and it's heroic captors were spreading. The Nazi machine spread throughout Europe as the Jewish and Christian communities banded together and barely a few steps ahead, slowly smuggling the foul artefact across border after border waiting for their chance to send the Demonic beast as far away from the Nazi's as possible. After making it's way to the west coast of France, the joint forces of NATO and the French resistance managed to pass the Dybbuk Box to the British coast guard on the 2nd of June 1940 and it was taken to the UK and hidden away until just 10 years ago.

Dybbuk Box on display at MOCAOS

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